Reopening Plans Update

Dear Black Scorpions,

As you will all undoubtedly know by now, the prime minister has outlined a four-stage plan to release the nation from national lockdown and eventually covid-secure measures. We must stress that all dates are subject to change. As so, we are planning for one phase at a time.

Under the current plans, should all of the data allow it, stage 2 will hopefully begin on 12th April. Within stage 2, it looks likely that we will reopen all of our classes to under 18’s. We won’t have clarification on the details until much closer to the time. All classes from this date have been loaded onto the online booking system and will be released for booking from 1st April, all being well. It is essential that you are all registered on the online portal. We will not accept booking through any other channels. (One member of each family needs to register as a customer and add all training members as students. If all stages are followed as outlined by the prime minister, adults should be able to book classes from the 17th May. Classes for May will be released for booking towards the end of April.

When you book onto a class and have your place confirmed, a large number of you are likely to receive a license renewal form, as a lot of licenses have expired over lockdown. All license fees will be calculated pro-rata from when lockdown started. Taking into account how much in-class training you have been able to access since you last renewed to ensure that nobody has paid for a license that they have been unable to use. In addition to this, those members who have maintained their standing orders will renew their licences for free.

Note for David Lloyd students: You need to register on our online system for licensing and grading purposes, but you will book your classes through David Lloyd as usual. We have no information regarding reopening at DL yet.

We miss you all so much and can’t wait to see you all in class again as soon as we are able!

Team BSK

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