We hope you enjoyed your first class at Black Scorpion Karate CIC! Now that you’ve experienced the fun and focus of karate, here’s everything you need to know to keep going:

Your Free Trial Continues!

  • Your first two classes are completely free, so there’s no pressure—just more fun, learning, and discovering your potential!

What Happens After Your Free Classes?

  • Flexible Pay-As-You-Train: After your free classes, you or your child can continue training on a flexible pay-as-you-train basis. The first class each week is £6, and additional classes during the same week are just £3 each. Family discounts are available to make it even more affordable!
  • Monthly Membership: When you or your child feel confident and ready to go for the first grading—usually after a couple of months—you’ll have the chance to earn a first coloured belt. After grading, you’ll switch to a monthly training pass for unlimited classes at a discounted rate.

No Contracts, No Pressure

Unlike many other clubs, we don’t bind you into contracts.

  • The only commitment is the annual license (£15 per year), which includes membership and insurance. We also offer family discounts on these.
  • Even with a monthly training pass, it’s completely flexible—cancel anytime if you or your child decide to take a break.

Registering on GymCatch

Once you’re ready to start paying for lessons, you’ll need to register on GymCatch to book and pay for your classes. It’s a quick and easy way to manage your training schedule online.

Your Karate Essentials

  • No Uniform Yet? That’s fine! Continue in comfortable sportswear like joggers and a T-shirt. Uniforms are available when you’re ready, either online or in class.
  • Bring a Drink: Staying hydrated is important during training.

Community Commitment

As a Community Interest Company, we’re dedicated to making karate accessible to everyone. If training costs feel like a barrier, please reach out—we’re working on ways to support students through bursaries and other initiatives.

Secure Your Spot!

Some of our classes are in high demand, so don’t wait to book your next session. Get in touch today to let us know when you would like to come back, if you haven’t already.

We’re thrilled to have you as part of the Black Scorpion Karate CIC family. Let’s keep building skills, confidence, and community together!

You can use the form below to contact us for absolutely anything that you need. You can also call or message us on 07713023750.