Hi, my name is Ray and I am one of the clubs Sensei’s. I started Karate in May 2013 to support my 3 older daughters Amber, Hannah and Rebeckah who weren’t sure about trying it and asked me to go along with them and also for myself to get fitter and to help me lose some weight. I found the training environment enjoyable and challenging and learning kata.

Once we plucked up the courage to give it a go we found Black Scorpion Karate club is warm, welcoming and relaxed and friendly atmosphere with helpful, professional and approachable instructors who pass on their knowledge of karate well to all levels of students.

I was asked to help out at class after Sensei Paul noticed me helping one of my daughters who was struggling with a move on her kata, Sensei Paul commented that I was ‘very clear in my explanation and demonstration of technique & a natural leader’. So I started to help out at class with the lower grades.

Why I like teaching; To be able to get the comfort and satisfaction of seeing the students develop their karate in their journey from white belt through to black belt knowing that I helped, and that will be of great satisfaction and make me immensely proud!

My advice for anyone thinking of giving karate a go would be, get stuck in you have nothing to lose and lots to gain.

Hope to see you at a class or club event soon.

Sensei Ray


Sandan 3rd Dan Blackbelt