Well well well. Where to start?!
This weekend marked not only the triumphant return of the Black Scorpion Karate End of Year Awards but also the final Black Belt grading of 2021. Phew!
I don’t know about everybody else, but Sensei Paul needs another weekend to recover from the last one!
On Saturday evening, we were honoured to receive 200 of our wonderful students and their families to the Totally Wicked Stadium in St Helens, and what a night we all had! We gave out so so so so many awards to our wonderful students who deserve the world after the last two years. We went through a full range of emotions throughout the course of the night, with Adam from Kaleidoscope Parties keeping us all thoroughly entertained.
The list of awards and their recipients will be added here ASAP!
As if that wasn’t enough, Sunday started with our regular class at the Dojo at 10 am followed by the final Black Belt grading of the year in the afternoon. It was an extremely tough grading but everybody worked extremely hard. A huge thanks must go to Sensei’s Martin, Amanda, Sally and Charlotte as well as Junior Instructor Isabelle. We are thrilled to announce that the below students successfully passed their assessments and will be added to the BSK and CMAA Black Belt Registers;
Tyler Cooper
Harvey Cooper
Holly McDonald
Joe Fletcher
Olivia Sefton
Poppy Sefton
Well Done Everybody!
Team BSK